

Equities Asset Management (“EQAM”)

Arqam Equities Asset Management (EQAM) provides investment management for funds and discretionary investment portfolios focusing on an array of publicly listed and traded equity securities across various regional markets. Equity Fund Using our top-rated research team’s model portfolio passive tracker, our equity products are having an impressive and extensive track record. Our investment approach is simply driven by a bottom-up, well-researched, portfolio of stocks. We apply multiple strategies including investing in companies with strong management, sustainable growth prospects, in turn-around mode, benefiting from changes in the macro-economic backdrop, trading at dislocated valuations or with a good record of distributing cash to shareholders.

Products and services include:

Advising sellers on divestments and securing buyer or strategic investors for their businesses.  Provided services include:

Discretionary Mandates – a bespoke investment solution where an investor deposits cash or assets and delegates the investment decisions concerning their assets to Arqam on a discretionary basis subject to certain pre-agreed expected returns, risk appetite and other limits

Arqam Capital Value Fund – an open-ended mutual fund with the objective of investing in equity and equity-related securities of publicly listed companies having their principal place of business or significant business operations in the MENA region.  The fund seeks long-term capital appreciation by investing in securities we believe are trading at a discount with a view to selling them at prices closer to their fair value.

The Arqam EQAM flagship fund – Arqam Capital Value Fund – is consistently the best performing regional fund on a rolling 6 year basis and recently won the Best MENA Equity Fund Strategy (1 Year) award at Bonds, Loans & Sukuk Middle East Awards 2024.

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