

Arqam Capital’s research platform provides research on the MENA region and boasts the most extensive coverage footprint of MENA equities, with over 230 stocks under coverage.


Arqam Capital has been consistently ranked as one of the leading research providers in the region since 2014 – a reflection of its broad coverage universe, its in-depth and high-quality research, on-the-ground coverage, robust corporate access (annual investor conference, (reverse) roadshows and hosting webcasts), as well the compelling investment ideas that the team generates.

The 26 research analysts are based in Dubai, Beirut, Cairo, and several offshore locations. All our experienced research analysts have in-depth sector knowledge and closely analyze their industries. The strategy team connects the micro with the macro, focusing on index analysis, macroeconomics, and strategy.

Arqam Research also runs equity model portfolios, which comprise our top recommendations. The MENA Equity Core model portfolio has generated an average of 27.9% per annum since its inception (May 2012), is fully automated, and can be shared with clients via Bloomberg. The Portfolio’s past performance is neither an indicator nor a guarantee of future performance. 

If you are interested in subscribing to our research, please contact our head of research.

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